GPIO pins can be leveraged to detect motion via a PIR (Passive/Pyroelectric InfraRed sensor), similar to reading button presses.
The gpio.PinIn.WaitForEdge() function permits a edge detection without a busy loop.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Load all the drivers:
if _, err := host.Init(); err != nil {
// Lookup a pin by its number:
p, err := gpioreg.ByName("16")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", p, p.Function())
// Set it as input.
if err = p.In(gpio.PullNoChange, gpio.RisingEdge); err != nil {
// Wait for edges as detected by the hardware.
for {
if p.Read() == gpio.High {
fmt.Printf("You moved!\n")
This example uses basically no CPU: the WaitForEdge() leverages the edge detection provided by the kernel, unlike other Go hardware libraries.
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